Monday, 25 March 2013


Hutan memiliki manfaat yang sangat penting terhadap kehidupan manusia. Hal ini disebabkan sebagian besar  kebutuhan manusia berasal dari hasil hutan, baik kayu maupun non kayu.  Saat ini, pemanfaatan hasil hutan kayu sangat mendominasi perhatian masyarakat, karena mampu meningkatkan perekonomian. Sementara itu, terdapat  hasil hutan lainnya, yaitu non kayu yang juga memiliki potensi tinggi untuk kesejahteraan manusia.  Salah satu tanaman kehutanan yang memiliki dwi fungsi, dimanfaatkan kayu maupun non kayunya adalah Rasamala (Altingia excelsa).
Rasamala (Altingia excelsa Noronha) adalah pohon hutan yang dapat tumbuh sangat tinggi, mencapai 40 hingga 60 meter. Pohon ini bernilai ekonomi karena kayunya yang kuat dan cocok untuk kerangka jembatan, tiang, konstruksi, tiang listrik dan telpon, serta penyangga rel kereta api. Selain itu, dimanfaatkan untuk konstruksi berat, rangka kendaraan, perahu dan kapal, lantai, rakit, vinir, dan plywood.  Di Jawa Barat, daun yang masih muda berwarna merah sering untuk dikonsumsi sebagai sayur atau lalap.  Daun yang ditumbuk halus biasa juga digunakan sebagai obat batuk.  Getahnya berbau aromatik dapat digunakan sebagai pengharum ruangan. Kesibukan dan rutinitas sering membuat kesehatan dan konsentrasi menurun.  Adanya aromaterapi ini mampu meningkatkan kerja otak dan memberikan  ketenangan  tubuh yang lelah selama beraktivitas.
Aromaterapi ekstrak daun rasamala ini akan dikemas dalam bentuk lilin dengan penampilan yang variatif, unik dan artistik sehingga dapat dijadikan souvenir yang cantik.  Kelebihan lain dari pengemasan aromaterapi ini adalah nilai praktisnya, yaitu lilin dapat dinyalakan saat menjelang tidur ataupun saat bekerja sehingga tidak perlu ke dokter ataupun ke tempat-tempat pengobatan dalam melakukan terapi.  Karena kelebihan dan keunggulan dari aromaterapi ekstrak daun rasamala ini, maka akan dilakukan usaha mengenai Souvenir Lilin Aromaterapi Berbahan Dasar Ekstrak Daun Rasamala ( Altingia excelsa ). 
wanna see more? click download here.

Sunday, 10 March 2013



A lot of forest resources have been exploited excessively  without considering about its sustainability.  The condition of socio-economic in forest community  is one of  pressure factor to forest sustainability.  This is then be a problem, namely pressure of forest resources by forest local residents without followed by improving the welfare of those societies.  Fundamental issues on critical land is converting the land into a productive again by using optimally remaining land.  Therefore handling strategies on critical land is needs to be done through community-based approaches.       
Three dimensional agroforestry system is agroforestry technic that optimize the capability and suitability of land.  It’s  not only horizontal perspective (beside), but also vertical perspective (up-bottom).  The fact, in   Javanese wisdom, there is statement called “polo gumantung, polo kependem” .  Polo means planted crops , gumantung is hanging products and kependem means hidden underground.  So, the using of land can be gotten from the plants that is in trees and buried in the ground.  Horizontally, the land can be planted by cash crops and forest trees.  While vertically (up right) the land can be planted by epiphyte (orchids) and other climbing plant such as pepper, Huwi (Sundaness), vanilli and lianas.  In under ground direction, the land can be planted by tubers, such as cassava, tuber plants (potatoes, yam, sweet potatoes, etc).  In the development, three dimensional agroforestry will  give advantages to the ecological aspect and socio-economic aspects.

do you want to see more ? you can download here

Friday, 8 March 2013

Three Dimensional Agroforestry System in Forest Rehabilitation

Three Dimensional Agroforestry System in Forest Rehabilitation
Adisti Permatasari P.H

The forest has important role  for human life, as producers of goods and services.  Besides that, forest also has function that related on ecological, social, and economic aspects.  But a lot of forest resources have been exploited excessively  without considering about its sustainability. The condition of socio-economic in forest community  is a major pressure factor to forest sustainability.  Based on the  data from the Ministry of  Forestry (1994) from  27.2 million people who lived in around forest area, there are 34% of community that belongs as the poor and  their life depends on forest resources (Rajati 2006).  Although the communities always utilize forest products, but their  welfare are still staying on in the poverty line.  This condition become a big problems because the communities who utilize the forest resources, their welfare are still under the  standard of normal live.
Various ways to handle the  critical land has been conducted by the government.  There are several programs focusing on  reforestation, afforestation, National Movement for Rehabilitation  (GNRHL).  But, the success of the reforestation activities  was  relatively low about 68 % and 21 %.  Whereas rehabilitation of degraded land has been assessed  on expended  government budget only (Anonymous 2008). The fundamental problem is to change the critical land become the productive land by using the land optimally.  Many  partial ways to solve the problems that has been done, actually it hasn’t solved the problems yet. Therefore, the strategy to solve the problem must be changed based on the community approach, for example through an agroforestry system.

please download here if you want to see more.

Tuesday, 5 March 2013


ADISTI PERMATASARI - Rehabilitation of Forests through  System of Intensive Silviculture Based on  Analysis of Stakeholders.
            Forests have important role for human life, as producer of goods and services.   Forests have also functions related with ecological, social, and economic aspects.  Because the benefits from of forests are great and vary,  much  forest resources are exploited excessively.  Besides that, change of forest function into  other functions lead to disasters and contribute to forest damage.   In 1950, the total area of land in Indonesia was  recorded  as 193 700 000 ha.  Several decades later, the Badan Planologi Kehutanan /Forestry Planology Agency (2003) reported that until June 2003, total  land area  was continuing to decline and  became 187.783.000 ha, whereas forest area size decreased to 90 907 000 ha. The rate of degradation of forests in Indonesia  was about 1.7 ha/year.
            Rehabilitation activity  is absolutely essential to optimally restore the function of the forest so that the forest’s socio-economic benefit could be maintained. Such activity has been conducted on land, comprising those activities such as  reforestation, afforestation, reclamation of ex mining areas, and so on.  

do you want to see more? you can download here